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Offsite Event Agenda: Relations between China and its Neighboring Countries during the Cold War

ECNU's Center for Cold War International History Studies and the Wilson Center's History and Public Policy Program will convene an international conference in Shanghai on "Relations between China and its Neighboring Countries during the Cold War: Archives and Documentation" from December 21-22, 2014.

冷战时期中国周边关系档案收集与整理” 国际研讨会
Relations between China and its Neighboring Countries during the Cold War: Archives and Documentation


December 20-23, 2014

主办单位 Conference Organizers

Center for Cold War International History Studies, ECNU

History and Public Policy Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholar

12月21日(December 21)

8:30-9:00 开幕式/ Opening Remarks
Chair: Yu Weimin(Cold War Center, East China Normal University)

Shen Zhihua, (Professor and Director, Center for Cold War International History Studies, East China Normal University)

Charles Kraus (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars)

9:00-11:15 主旨发言 (每人30分钟)/ Keynote Speeches
Chair: Chen Jian (New York University Shanghai, East China Normal University)

Zhang Baijia (CCPCC Party History Research Office, East China Normal University): “Some Key Issues on the Studies of China’s Relations with its Neighboring Countries”

Li Sheng (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences): “Shared-knowledge Researches on the Bilateral Relations and Border Issues between China and its Neighboring Countries”

黄子坚(马来亚大学中国研究所、全球规划与战略研究中心主任、教授): “冷战时期的马来西亚与中国:来自档案文献的挑战”
Danny Wong Tze Ken (Director, Institute of China Studies & Director, Global Planning & Strategy Centre, University of Malaya): “Malaysia and China during the Cold War: Challenges of Archival and Documentation”

第一单元/ Panel 1 (13:00-15:10)
Chair: Yafeng Xia (Long Island University, ECNU-Wilson Center Cold War Studies Initiative)

Silvio Pons(University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Gramsci Institute Foundation):“The Incongruities of Monocratic Hegemony: Some Reflections on the Ascent and Decline of International Communism”

Charles Kraus (Woodrow Wilson Center, George Washington University):“Limited Alignment: New Evidence on Anti-Communist Asia (1955-1957) from the Papers of Syngman Rhee”

Richard Mason (Institute of Malaysia and International Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia): “Containment and the Challenge of Non-alignment: the US and Indonesian-PRC Relations, 1950-55”

Sergey Radchenko(Aberystwyth University, Woodrow Wilson Center):“Untrusting and Untrusted: Mao’s China at Crossroads, 1969”

Discussant: Chen Jian (New York University Shanghai, East China Normal University)
15:10-15:20  茶歇/Tea break

第二单元/ Panel 2 (15:20-17:30)
Chair: Shen Zhihua (East China Normal University)

Hsiao-ting Lin(Research fellow and Curator of East Asian Collection, Hoover Institution, Stanford University): “Fissures in the Terrain: Revisiting the Cold War in Asia in the Hoover Archives”

Jamil Hasanli (Khazar University): “Soviet Archival Documents on the Early Period of the Cold War in Western China”

Gao Zijian (Moscow National Normal University):“An Introduction of Newly Published Outputs on Sino-Soviet Relations at Russian Academy of Sciences”

Xu Xianfen(East China Normal University): “An Introduction of Japanese Foreign Ministry Archive and Its Implications on Research on Sino-Japanese Relations”

圆桌讨论/Open Discussion

12月22日 (December 22)

第三单元/ Panel 3 (8:30-10:30)
Chair: Deng Yingwen (Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Jinan University)

阮孟河(胡志明国家政治学院副教授):“越战时期中国对越军事援助, 1954—1975”
Nguyen Manh Ha(Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy): “Chinese Military Aid to Vietnam during the Vietnam War, 1954-1975”

Pierre Asselin(Hawai'i Pacific University):“Sino-Vietnamese Relations in the 1954-75”

Feng Yiming (The Capital Normal University): “‘Second-line’ Seat, ‘First-line’ Approach: PRC’s Response to Laotian Crisis ——A Survey Mainly upon Sino-Vietnamese Interactions”

李云逸【代读】(巴黎索邦第一大学博士生):“从法国外交部档案馆档案看中国对法国 ‘越南中立化’倡议的态度转变”
Li Yunyi (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne): “The Change of China's Attitude towards the Neutralization of Vietnam Proposed by France: Some New Documents from the Archives of the French Foreign Ministry”

Alsu Tagirova(Sun Yat-sen University): “1957 Moscow Conference and Its Impact on Sino-Soviet Relations”

Yao Yuanmei(East China Normal University):“The Making of the Border Dispute Along with the Hindu Kush and Himalayas:From the Perspective of the Indian Scientific Frontier British Built ”

Discussant: Li Danhui (East China Normal University)

第四单元/ Panel 4 (10:40-12:10 am)
Chair: Xu Xianfen(East China Normal University)

Lorn Dalin (The Documentation Center of Cambodia): “ Archives in Cambodia”

Adisorn Muakpimai(Thammasat University): “Archives  and Documentation in Thailand in the Cold War Period : Classified, Declassified and Implications”

Margaret Wong (University of Yangon): “Relations between Myanmar and China during the Cold War”

Liang Zhi (East China Normal University): “Documents on the Sino-Myanmar Relations in Myanmar National Archives: Collection and its Implications”

Le Hoang Linh(East China Normal University): “The Vietnam Archives and Their Documents on Sino-Vietnamese Relations”

圆桌讨论/Open Discussion

第五单元/ Panel 5 (13:30-15:30)
Chair: Yao Yu (South China Normal University)

Yan He (Curator,The Shao Overseas Chinese Documentation and Research Center, Center for International Collections, Ohio University Libraries): “The Southeast Asia Collection at Ohio University Libraries - with a Focus on Diplomatic Archives and Documentation”

Fan Hongwei(Research School for Southeast Asia Studies, Xiamen University): “The Historical Implications of Chinese Papers in Southeast Asia during the Cold War”

Gao Yanjie(History Department, Xiamen University): “An Introduction of Chinese Primary Documents on Sino-Indonesian Relations During the Cold War”

Fan Liping (Guangxi Normal University): “Documents on Returned Overseas Chinese from Southeast Asia in Guangxi during the Cold War”

Ho Kee Chye(Center for Malaysian Chinese Studies): “Publications on Malaysian Communist during the Last 25 Years”

圆桌讨论/Open Discussion

第六单元/ Panel 6 (15:40-17:00)
Chair: Deng Feng (East China Normal University)

Anton Harder(The London School of Economics and Political-Science): “Sino-Indian Relations 1953-57”

张  安(华中师范大学教授):“中国外交部解密的中国阿富汗关系档案述评”
Zhang An (Central China Normal University): “Declassified Documents of MOF on Sino-Afghanistan Relations”

吴尔蓓密(华东师范大学冷战国际史研究中心博士生): “中国外交部有关东南亚各国问题的解密档案介绍”
Wu Erbeimi(East China Normal University): “An Introduction of Declassified Chinese Foreign Ministry Archive on Southeast Asia”

Chen Bo ((East China Normal University): “Adventures on Thailand National Archive and Malaysian National Archive”

圆桌讨论/Open Discussion

17:00-17:30 闭幕式/Closing Remarks
Chair: Dai Chaowu(East China Normal University)

Shen Zhihua(Professor and Director, Center for Cold War International History Studies, East China Normal University)

Zhang Shuguang (Professor and Senior Vice President, Macau University of Science and Technology)

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