A Guide to Kennan Institute Grants

This guide serves as a general aid in the process of learning about and applying for the various grants offered by the Kennan Institute. The specific requirements and provisions of each individual grant are detailed on its own page and application form, and any guidelines laid out below are subject to change. If you still have questions after reading this guide, please do not hesitate to contact Kennan staff by emailing kennan@wilsoncenter.org with the subject line “Grant Inquiry” or by calling us at 202-691-4100.

Competitions and the Application Process

The deadlines and funding status for grants may change. The grant pages are the best resource for finding the current deadline and whether or not the grant opportunity is currently open.

Applications should be submitted in their entirety (including letters of recommendation) by midnight EST on the indicated closing date. Since letters of recommendation must be submitted by the referee, it is strongly advised that you build in extra time to make sure that your referees are able to submit the documents before the deadline. It is also strongly advised that you submit all materials by email with a subject line that clearly references the name of the grant for which you are applying. Arrangements can be made for fax or mail by communicating with Kennan staff ahead of time to ensure that your application materials are not missed.

You are responsible for ensuring all necessary documents are transmitted on time; if you have not received confirmation of receipt within two business days of sending your application, please reach out to Kennan staff by phone or email.

Once the competition has closed, complete applications will be transmitted to the Kennan Institute’s Advisory Council. Council members typically have one month to review and rank the applications before returning their recommendations to the Kennan Institute, at which point awardees and alternates will be informed. Therefore, you should receive an email approximately six weeks after the competition has closed indicating an award, decline, or alternate status. None of these statuses affect your eligibility to apply for a future competition.

Proposal Guide

The Kennan Institute is interested in many topics and disciplines and there is not one “right” way to write a project proposal. The following is a list of suggestions to help make your application competitive:

  • Answer all questions and bullet points in the relevant application explicitly and thoroughly and submit all requested materials. Failure to do so can harm or disqualify an otherwise competitive proposal.
  • Even if the policy relevance of your project seems obvious, make it explicit – do not leave it up to your referees to explain the relevance or to the Advisory Council to infer it.
  • Write your proposal with clear, concise language. Keep in mind that the Advisory Council is composed of academics and experts with varied backgrounds. They are knowledgeable about the region, but they may not be experts in your area of study. Avoid the specific jargon of your field as much as possible.
  • Ask referees to give holistic recommendations. The best recommendations explain your expertise and skills, specifically as they pertain to your proposed project. But they should also explain who you are, your goals, and your character. 
  • Deliverables, such as a manuscript, article, or presentation, can often help organize the research, but they are not a required element.

The best proposals are designed to match the length and resources of the grant. Successful applicants have a discrete research goal and a detailed plan of how they will use the resources available to achieve it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Kennan Institute

The Kennan Institute is the premier US center for advanced research on Eurasia and the oldest and largest regional program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. The Kennan Institute is committed to improving American understanding of Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia, the South Caucasus, and the surrounding region through research and exchange.   Read more

Kennan Institute