Wilson Center Experts out front on North Korea Tensions

Three Wilson Center experts are available for interviews on tensions in North Korea

Wilson Center Experts out front on North Korea Tensions

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For an interview or briefing with any of the experts below, contact Ryan McKenna,

202-691-4217, or ryan.mckenna@wilsoncenter.org.


Robert S. Litwak is the author of Preventing North Korea’s Nuclear Breakout (published in March), Deterring Nuclear Terrorism, and Iran’s Nuclear Chess: After the Deal which have been frequently cited by The New York Times, The Washington Post, among other outlets. He is a consultant to the Los Alamos National Laboratory on non-proliferation.

News Clips

North Korea Risk Too High For Military Option (USA Today)

The dangers of Trump’s strategic impatience with North Korea (Washington Post)

Watch an interview with Robert Litwak


Image removed.James F. Person is the Director of the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy. Person holds a Ph.D in modern Korean history and teaches courses on modern Korean history at the George Washington University. He has appeared on CBS, CSPAN, National Public Radio, Vice News, KBS, and his interviews have appeared in Newsweek, CNN, USA Today, the LA Times, the Donga Daily, and other news outlets.

News Clips

Body of Dictator's Murdered Brother Returned to North Korea (CNN – The Situation Room)

Want to Be a Successful Dictator? Copy North Korea. (The National Interest)


Image removed.Jean H. Lee is a Seoul-based Global Fellow with the Wilson Center. She led the Associated Press’ Korean Peninsula coverage from 2008 to 2013. In 2011, she became the first American journalist granted permission to join the local foreign press corps in North Korea, and opened the news agency’s Pyongyang bureau in 2012.

News Clips

North Korea rebukes U.S. as Navy strike group advances (PBS – NewsHour)

Some Americans are panicking about North Korea. Here’s why South Koreans aren’t (PRI – The World)

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