How Education Can Empower Young Women in MENA

For International Women’s Day, Hiba Adulwahhab highlights the women leaders from Iraq advocating for women’s rights and underscores the need to invest in the education of young girls to be the leaders of tomorrow.

MEP Girl Education Iraq

By investing in girls’ education, MENA can build a future where women are not just survivors of conflict but active agents of change, leading their communities towards a more peaceful, just, and equitable world. 

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the significance of education, especially for girls and women, cannot be overstated. While some parts of the region, including Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries like the UAE and Qatar, are working to bridge the gender gap through extensive public sector investments in health and education, other parts of the region have experienced successive crises, such as the wars and conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Sudan, and Gaza, resulting in displaced students and teachers, destroyed educational institutions, and an inhibited ability to improve women’s access to education. 

Access to high-quality education is a key way to empower and strengthen young girls​, ​as it enables them to challenge restrictive gender norms and prepares them to take custodianship of leadership positions across ​the ​government and the private sector. Female ministers, such as Tunisia’s Ouided Bouchamaoui, who is a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, and the UAE’s Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi, exemplify the impact of education on women’s leadership in governance and diplomacy. Women leaders across the region have brought a host of positive social and economic outcomes for their respective communities. Therefore, investing in education for girls will pave the way for a brighter regional future.  

Societal outcomes  

Educating a young girl is not just a tool for her personal growth but also a catalyst for societal transformation. An educated girl provides economic and social security, not only for herself but also for future generations. For instance, educated mothers are more likely to send their children to school, breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty. Educated women become an effective impetus to secure the rights of young girls in their respective societies. For instance, educated women​,​ such as Rouaa Hussein and Hanaa Edwar, became courageous advocates of women rights in Iraq. Hussein is not only defying the societal norms through her Hijab Revolution but is also advocating for legal protection for women against domestic abuse in Iraq. Hanaa Edwar led demonstrations, calling for a democratic Iraqi government which prioritizes human rights and peace. 

Female education also improves a society’s social and economic outcomes. Researchers  have prove​n​ that when more women work, economies grow because of diversification and income equality. According to the World Bank, GDP per capita in Iraq can increase up to 31% if women are facilitated to participate at par with men in economy; regionally, GDP growth is estimated to increase by 47%. To ensure inclusive and environmentally sustainable economic growth, it is necessary that educational attainment of young girls and women be increased at a sustainable rate.  

The marginalization of women in political, economic, and social spheres has contributed to ongoing cycles of violence and instability. According to political scientist Valerie Hudson, women’s empowerment leads to societal stability, leading to gender inclusive decision-making, reduced GBV, enhanced social cohesion and more effective conflict resolution. Educated women can serve as peacebuilders, mediators, and leaders, challenging the patriarchal norms that perpetuate violence and exclusion. By investing in girls’ education, countries across the region can break this cycle, fostering a generation of women who are not only aware of their rights but also capable of advocating for peace and sustainable development. 

In the face of ongoing crises in MENA, the education of young women is not just a matter of human rights. It is a strategic imperative for peace and development. The experiences of women in countries like Iraq illustrate the profound impact that education can have on transforming societies. For instance, Nadia Murad, a renowned human rights advocate in Iraq ​r​aised global awareness about the Yazidi genocide and human trafficking and resultantly, inspired the establishment of Nadia’s Initiative, supporting survivors of human trafficking. Similarly, women like Ala Talabani, a former Iraqi parliamentarian​,​ and groups like the 188 Alliance have worked tirelessly to protest reforms to the Personal Status Law No. 188, which eliminates the unified, civil code and role of the courts currently regulating family affairs and allows for sectarian interpretation. The reform to Personal Status Law No. 188 would adversely impact women and children, notably by virtually lowering the age of marriage to nine.  

Investing in the future 

By investing in girls’ education, MENA can build a future where women are not just survivors of conflict but active agents of change, leading their communities towards a more peaceful, just, and equitable world. To this end, there is an urgent need for educational reforms that prioritize gender equality. This includes revising curricula to eliminate gender biases, training teachers to support girls’ education, and creating safe learning environments that encourage girls to pursue their studies without fear of violence or discrimination. 

Additionally, policies must be implemented to address the specific barriers that prevent girls from accessing education, such as early marriage, poverty, and cultural norms that devalue education for women and girls. Community awareness programs can play a vital role in changing attitudes towards girls’ education, highlighting its benefits not only for individuals but for society.  

The views represented in this piece are those of the author and do not express the official position of the Wilson Center. 


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