American Muslim Local Officials: Challenges and Opportunities
When Washingtonians think of U.S. Muslim officials, the names of Representatives Keith Ellison and André Carson come to mind. What may be of greater interest to many people outside the Beltway, however, is the increasing number of local Muslim officials. Join us for a program in which Muslim mayors, city council members and judges will discuss the particular challenges and opportunities facing them today as they seek appointment or election and carry out their responsibilities once in office.
When Washingtonians think of U.S. Muslim officials, the names of Representatives Keith Ellison and André Carson come to mind. What may be of greater interest to many people outside the Beltway, however, is the increasing number of local Muslim officials. Join us for a program in which Muslim mayors, city council members and judges will discuss the particular challenges and opportunities facing them today as they seek appointment or election and carry out their responsibilities once in office.
Halim Dhanidina
David Shaheed
Philippa Strum
Former Director, Division of United States Studies, Woodrow Wilson Center
Abdul Haidous
Mohammed Hameeduddin
Wayne Smith
Robert Jackson
John Milewski
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