Anticipatory Governance: Upgrading Government for the 21st Century
If we are to remain a well-functioning republic and a prosperous nation, we must get ahead of events or we risk being overtaken by them. That will only be possible by upgrading our legacy systems of management to meet today's unique brand of accelerating and complex challenges. Anticipatory Governance responds to this need by introducing three critical elements to existing Executive Branch functions: foresight fused to policy analysis; networked governance for mission-based management and budgeting; and feedback to monitor and adjust policy relative to initial expectations. Presidential transitions - the period of time between the election and inauguration - can be used to upgrade government processes. Leon Fuerth will present practical upgrades that the incoming administration could make to the Executive Branch systems; upgrades that are light on resources, compatible with the existing structures and processes of government, and fully executable under customary Presidential authorities. Ambassador David Abshire, The Honorable Sandy Berger, and Paul R. Verkuil, Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, will respond and discuss.