Book Discussion: Waging War on Corruption
The Program on America and the Global Economy (PAGE) Presents a Book Launch:
Waging War on Corruption
Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power
Frank Vogl, Author and Transparency International co-founder
Comments by:
Paulo Sotero, Director, Brazil Institute
Patrick Radden Keefe, Staff Writer, The New Yorker and Fellow, Woodrow Wilson Center
Moderated by:
Kent Hughes, Director, Program on America and the Global Economy
Key topics from the book for this discussion:
· Corruption and Justice
· Western Security: Global Corruption (US relations with corrupt regimes; anti-money laundering; extractive industries and security; foreign aid; defense industry procurement).
Frank Vogl: former journalist (Reuters & The Times of London); former World Bank chief spokesman and Director of Information & Public Affairs; President of Vogl Communications, Inc (a strategic international economics policy and finance communications company); co-founder and former Vice Chairman of Transparency International; co-founder and current Vice Chairman of the Partnership for Transparency Fund; International Council member of the New Israel Fund; former Trustee of the Committee for Economic Development; former member of the Board of Directors of the Ethics Resource Center.
“Waging War on Corruption – Inside the Movement Fighting the Abuse of Power “ is about power. It is an insider’s account of extraordinary battles against the abuse of public office by politicians and officials for their personal gain. This is a global journey from the birth of pioneering anti-corruption organization Transparency International in 1993, to the Arab Spring in 2011, as courageous people in scores of countries challenge authority and fight for justice. At stake is nothing less than our global security, the reduction of poverty, the stability of our economic and financial systems, and the cause of freedom and democracy. Praise for the book, reviews, articles and interviews can be found at

Former Director, Program on America and the Global Economy, Woodrow Wilson Center

Fellow, The Century Foundation and Freelance Nonfiction Writer