Past Event

Briefing with Admiral Michael Rogers, Commander of U.S. Cyber Command

“Digital security was just emerging as an issue when I was first elected to Congress,” said Wilson Center Director, President and CEO Jane Harman. “Today, it’s a priority nationwide — for government, for private enterprise, and for all of us here at the Wilson Center.” In that spirit, Admiral Mike Rogers, Commander of U.S. Cyber Command and Director of the National Security Agency, came to the Center to lay out his vision for the nation’s warfighting arm in cyberspace.

Hosted By

Digital Futures Project

Less and less of life, war and business takes place offline. More and more, policy is transacted in a space poorly understood by traditional legal and political authorities. The Digital Futures Project is a map to constraints and opportunities generated by the innovations around the corner - a resource for policymakers navigating a world they didn’t build.   Read more

Digital Futures Project