Cybersecurity & Innovation: It's the States, Stupid
Second term Governor John Hickenlooper will give a special talk about efforts in Colorado to address a rise in cyber threats while also driving innovation and creating jobs. As Federal support for cyber incidents begins to focus on the most high-level targets, leaving states and their businesses and non-profits to fend for themselves in the event of a breach, new solutions are necessary.
The Governor will describe his state's initiatives, including a new National Cyber Intelligence Center, which will provide training, incident response and serve as a resource for business, non-government organizations, and Colorado government officials. Why does it matter and what will it do?

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Digital Futures Project
Less and less of life, war and business takes place offline. More and more, policy is transacted in a space poorly understood by traditional legal and political authorities. The Digital Futures Project is a map to constraints and opportunities generated by the innovations around the corner - a resource for policymakers navigating a world they didn’t build. Read more