Starting in October 2011, the Brazil Institute established a partnership with the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) to promote and highlight the expanded cooperation on science and innovation between the United States and Brazil. A three day symposium was held at the Wilson Center as part of FAPESP Week, in celebration of the Foundation’s 50th anniversary. A follow up symposium titled “Brazilian Nature and Our Scientific Partnerships” took place in February 2012 at Ohio State University, in Columbus. As a result of the success of the first symposium at the Wilson Center in 2011, FAPESP and the Brazil Institute have co-sponsored FAPESP Week ever since.
The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) is a public taxpayer-funded foundation that has the mission of supporting research in all fields of knowledge within the State of São Paulo, Brazil. FAPESP is aware that the very best research can be done only by working with the best researchers internationally. Therefore, it has established partnerships with funding agencies, companies, higher education and research organizations in other countries known by the quality of their research and has been encouraging scientists funded by its grants to further develop their international collaboration.
Besides supporting spontaneous collaboration between Brazilian and US researchers, FAPESP has scientific and technological cooperation agreements with US institutions to guarantee mechanisms and increase these exchanges.
FAPESP has agreements with nine research funding agencies, 22 universities and other higher education and research institutions, and three companies in the US. The number of projects supported under these agreements since the start of the 2000s now totals 224.
Some R$31.6 million is currently allocated by FAPESP (which has disbursed R$16.4 million) to fund 59 ongoing projects developed jointly by Brazilian and US researchers supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Energy (through GOAmazon), multilateral funding agencies in which the US participates such as the Belmont Forum, the International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), Microsoft, Agilent Technologies, the University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, the University of Texas, the University of North Carolina, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
FAPESP receives 20,000 research proposals each year and grants funding through a rigorous peer-review system. In 2010 FAPESP awarded more than 5,000 research grants and fellowships for 11,000 students and post-doctoral researchers.
More about FAPESP’s international collaboration initiatives and other information is available at: www.fapesp.br/en.
The symposium commemorates the 50th anniversary of FAPESP. Topics for the FAPESP Week 2011 included genetic research, tropical research, plant species genomics research, challenges for the development of quantum computers, optical chips and high-speed data transmission, and challenges in biodiversity.
To see the complete program of FAPESP Week 2011: North America, click here.
FAPESP Week 2012 in North America is the second international round of scientific meetings designed to foster closer links between distinguished researchers in their areas of expertise, discuss research underway and develop new cooperative projects.
To see the complete program of FAPESP Week 2012: North America, click here.
FAPESP Week 2013 was held in November in three of North Carolina’s leading public research universities: UNC Chapel Hill, UNC Charlotte, and NC State Raleigh. Topics such as health sciences, bioenergy, and biodiversity were explored, opening space for agenda-setting in the Brazil- U.S. strategic partnership.
To see the complete program of FAPESP Week 2013: North Carolina, click here.
To see the summary of reports from FAPESP Week 2013: North Carolina, click here.
Research studies on food security and policies in the field in Brazil and the U.S. were the topics discussed during the Agriculture and Food Research Panel at the FAPESP Week California symposium held November 20, 2014 at the University of California Davis.
- To see the complete program of FAPESP Week 2014: California, click here.
FAPESP Week 2015 was sponsored by UC Davis in Brazil in a two-day event attended by scientists from UC Davis and institutions in São Paulo. Areas of interest included physical sciences, engineering, biomedical sciences and agriculture.
To see the complete program of FAPESP Week 2015: UC Davis, click here.
The goal of the presentations and discussions of FAPESP Week 2016 will be to extend scientific cooperation between the two countries in research projects on Genomics, Environment and Sustainability, Human Health, Engineering, Agriculture and Water, Bioinformatics, New Materials, and Law and Social Justice.
To see the complete program of FAPESP Week 2016: Michigan/Ohio, click here.
Hosted By
Brazil Institute
The Brazil Institute—the only country-specific policy institution focused on Brazil in Washington—aims to deepen understanding of Brazil’s complex landscape and strengthen relations between Brazilian and US institutions across all sectors. Read more