Global Mosquito Alert: NASA DEVELOP Project Partners Handoff
A video explaining the background and scope of the DEVELOP project.
The DEVELOP Program, part of NASA’s Applied Sciences Program, addresses environmental and public policy issues through interdisciplinary research projects that apply the lens of NASA Earth observations to community concerns around the globe. Bridging the gap between NASA Earth Science and society, DEVELOP builds capacity in both participants and partner organizations to better prepare them to address the challenges that face our society and future generations. With the competitive nature and growing societal role of science and technology in today’s global workplace, DEVELOP is fostering an adept corps of tomorrow’s scientists and leaders.
In Fall 2017, the Wilson Center's Science and Technology Innovation Program partnered with other members of the Global Mosquito Alert Consortium (GMAC) on a project, Taking a Bite Out of Mosquito-borne Illness: Mapping and Monitoring Vector-borne Diseases in Western Europe.
Vector-borne diseases are known to run rampant through developing nations, however, they are becoming increasingly common in developed areas of the world. In recent years, Western Europe has seen a spike in vector-borne disease outbreaks. In response to this concern, researchers, citizen scientists, and several international organizations are working together to monitor mosquito habitats and breeding grounds. Even so, predicting and preventing outbreaks remains a serious challenge. The NASA DEVELOP team combined NASA Earth observations with citizen science data to create a methodology and habitat suitability map to aid end-users in monitoring and mitigating vector-borne disease outbreaks.
Back row: Victor Lenske, Alison Thieme, Aaron Warga, Doug Gardiner
Front row: Luisa Silva, Sara Lubkin, Gia Mancini, Helen Plattner
During the project handoff, 3 members of the NASA DEVELOP team will be presenting the research they have conducted over the 10-week term and will be handing over the results of their research to the project partners. Gia Mancini, Doug Gardiner, and Luisa Silva are members of the 10-week Western Europe Health & Air Quality project with the NASA DEVELOP program at Goddard Space Flight Center. Gia Manicini graduated from The Ohio State University with a degree in Environment and Natural Resources and is the project lead for this fall term. Doug Gardiner is currently a master’s student at George Mason University studying Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Energy and Sustainability. Luisa Silva graduated from Boston University with a degree in Environmental Science and Sustainable Energy. Joining the team for the presentation will be Dr. Sara Lubkin, who received her PhD in Geology from Cornell and is the Assistant Center Lead and a Project Coordination Fellow for DEVELOP.
This Wilson Center is excited to work with NASA in this important endeavor.

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Science and Technology Innovation Program
The Science and Technology Innovation Program (STIP) serves as the bridge between technologists, policymakers, industry, and global stakeholders. Read more