Latin American Populism in the Twenty-First Century: Update Venezuela
In Venezuela, two months of protests against the government of President Nicolás Maduro have claimed dozens of lives. A delegation of foreign ministers from the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is visiting Venezuela this week for the second time, hoping to sponsor a dialogue between the government and opposition.
While the protests have proximate causes—rampant crime and economic turmoil—Venezuela’s levels of polarization reflect a deeper structural problem rooted in dramatically contrasting notions of democracy and governance. Understanding this problem requires unpacking the nature of populism in Latin America and its most recent radical manifestations.
Margarita López-Maya
Universidad Central de Venezuela
Carlos de la Torre
University of Kentucky
Hector Schamis
Georgetown University
Cynthia J. Arnson
Latin American Program, Wilson Center

Professor, Center for Development Studies (CENDES), Universidad Central de Venezuela

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Kentucky

Georgetown University
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Latin America Program
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