OFFSITE - The Rise of a Multipolar World: Sino-European Relations in the Last Decades of the Cold War (1960s-1980s)

Bringing together academics, diplomats, and newly declassified documentation, CWIHP and the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies (CIMA) will host a conference in Palermo, Italy from June 29 to July 1. The conference will seek to determine how the Sino-Soviet split and subsequent Sino-American engagement influenced Sino-European relations during the Cold War. Panels will juxtapose scholarly interpretations of the new archival evidence with the firsthand accounts of former and current Chinese and European diplomats themselves. In addition to providing new historical materials, the conference will offer the unique opportunity to consider diverse perspectives on the evolution of Chinese relations with Eastern and Western Europe. Further information can be found at the Machiavelli Center's website. The Rise of a Multipolar World: Sino-European Relations in the Last Decades of the Cold War (1960s-1980s)Palermo, Italy: June 29—July 1 2012 JUNE 29 9:00—10:00 Opening remarks Prof. Ercole Pietro Pellicanò, Vice President, Fondazione Roma-MediterraneoDr. Salvatore Savoia, Director, Società di Storia PatriaProf. Shen Zhihua, Director, ECNUDr. Christian Ostermann, Director, CWIHPProf. Leopoldo Nuti, CIMA 10:00—11:00 Keynote speech 11:00—11:15 Coffee break 11:15—13:00 First Panel: The Sino-Soviet Split and its impact on the relationship between China and Eastern Europe (1st part) Chair: Dr. Christian Ostermann (CWIHP) Discussants: Prof. Shen Zhihua (ESNU), Prof. Peter Vamos (Hungarian Academy of Science), Dr. Jovan Cavoski (PKU) Panelists: Amb. Fan Chengzuo (PRC), Amb. Pei Yuanying (PRC), Amb. Mei Zhaorong (PRC) 13:00—14:00 Lunch in the courtyard of the conference venue 14:00—15:30 Rest in the hotel 15:45—16:45 Second Panel: The Sino-Soviet Split and its impact on the relationships between China and Eastern Europe (2nd part) Chair: Prof. Vladislav Zubok (Temple University) Discussants: Prof. Li Danhui (ESNU), Prof. Zhang Bai Jia (Party History Research Center), Prof. Ana Lalaj (Albanological Study Center) Panelists: Amb. Ksawery Burski (Poland), Amb. Ioan Romulus Budura (Romania), Amb. Roland Bimo (Albania) 16:45—17:00 Coffee Break 17:00—18:30 Discussion 19:00—21:30 Dinner on the terrace of ‘La Rinascente’ JUNE 30 9:15—10:15 First Panel: The Sino-American engagement and its impact on the relationship between China and Western Europe (1st part) Chair: Prof. Massimiliano Guderzo (CIMA) Discussants: Prof. Zhai Qiang (Auburn University, Dr. Enrico Fardella (PKU), Dr. Garret Martin (George Washington University) Panelists: Amb. Cai Fangbo (PRC), Amb. Chen Baoshun (PRC), Amb. Gabriele Menegatti (Italy), Amb. Claude Martin (France) 10:15—10:30 Coffee Break 10:30—12:00 Discussion 12:15—13:15 Lunch in the courtyard of the conference venue 13:30—15:00 Rest in the hotel 15:30—16:45 Second Panel: The Sino-American engagement and its impact on the relationship between China and Western Europe (2nd part) Chair: Prof. Chen Jian (Cornell University) Discussants: Prof. Bernd Schaefer (CWIHP), Prof. Luo Yangyi (Editor of Journal of Cold War International History), Prof. Bruna Bagnato (CIMA) Panelists: Amb. Yang Chengxu (PRC), Amb. Ma Zhengang (PRC), Amb. John Boyd (UK), Amb. Egon Bahr (Germany) 16:45—17:00 Coffee break 17:00—18:30 Discussion 19:00—21:30 Dinner on the terrace of ‘La Rinascente’ JULY 1 9:00—10:30 First Panel: The Sino-Soviet-American Triangle dynamics’ impact on Sino-European relations Chair: Prof. Svetozar Rajak (London School of Economics) Discussants: Prof. Niu Jun (PKU), Mircea Munteanu (Office of the Historian, US Department of State), Prof. Guido Samarani (University of Venice) Panelists: Amb. Mei Zhaorong (PRC), Amb. Zhou Xiaopei (PRC), Amb. Ioan Romulus Budura (Romania), Amb. John Boyd (UK) 10:30—11:00 Coffee break 11:00—12:30 Discussion 13:00—14:00 Lunch in the courtyard of the conference venue 14:00—15:00 Rest in the hotel 15:30—17:00 Round Table Chair: Prof. Peter Vamos (Hungarian Academy of Science) Discussants: Prof. Leopoldo Nuti (CIMA), Prof. Shen Zhihua (ECNU), Dr. Christian Ostermann (CWIHP) Panelists: All Chinese & American Ambassadors 17:00—17:15 Coffee break 17:15—18:00 Conclusions: Prof. Chen Jian (Cornell University)
Hosted By
Cold War International History Project
The Cold War International History Project supports the full and prompt release of historical materials by governments on all sides of the Cold War. Read more