Past Event
Partnering Scientists and Teachers: Priming the STEM Pipeline
Something powerful happens when teachers and students work side-by-side with scientists and engineers. They come to understand the practice of science and engineering, while scientists and engineers learn to communicate their work in a way that makes sense to the public. These types of partnerships are being recommended by a series of recent legislative initiatives and STEM organizations. Our panel will discuss first-hand experience with teacher-scientist partnerships and how they can strengthen K-12 STEM education.
Richard Boone
Professor of Ecosystem Ecology at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks

Kent Hughes
Public Policy Fellow;
Former Director, Program on America and the Global Economy, Woodrow Wilson Center
Former Director, Program on America and the Global Economy, Woodrow Wilson Center
Tim Spuck
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, and Teacher, Oil City Area High School, Pennsylvania
DaNel Hogan
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, and Teacher, Kuna High School, Idaho
Dave Oberbillig
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, and Teacher, Hellgate High School, Montana
Horace Walcott
Josh Westin Research Mentor, Brooklyn Technical High School, New York
Sarah Young
Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow, and Teacher, Rowland Hall Middle School, Utah