Past Event
Strategic Options for Iran: Balancing Pressure with Diplomacy
Strategic Options for Iran: Balancing Pressure with Diplomacy by iranproject
This event is held in colloboration with The Iran Project.
Former senior national security officials, military officers and experts with decades of Middle East experience have joined to present a balanced report on the strategic options for dealing with Iran. Moving the debate past politics and unexamined assumptions they argue that the time has come for Washington to strengthen the diplomatic track in the two track policy of pressure and diplomacy that has characterized current U.S. policy.
In suggesting a need to strengthen diplomacy they examine four central questions:
- What have been the successes, shortfalls and risks of the predominantly pressure strategy on Iran?
- What might be the impact on other US interests in the Middle East if a negotiated nuclear agreement with Iran is reached?
- How might the Administration strengthen the diplomatic track?
- And the overall costs and benefits of US engagement with Iran.
William Luers
Former Public Policy Scholar;
Adjunct Professor at The School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
Adjunct Professor at The School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

Amb. James Dobbins
RAND Corporation

Thomas Pickering
Vice Chairman of Hills and Company; Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia and the UN
James Walsh
International Security expert and Research Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Security Studies Program
Ambassador Carla A. Hills
Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Hills & Company, International Consultants; former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (administration of President Gerald Ford); former United States Trade Representative (administration of President George W. Bush)