The 'Good Occupation': Military Government in the American Imagination
Military occupation has been a crucial dimension of U.S. foreign relations from the early nineteenth century to the present. The occupations of Germany and Japan in the wake of the Second World War generally were regarded positively. The occupation of Iraq, which initially met with some approbation, eventually tarnished the reputation of the George W. Bush administration. Wilson Center fellow Susan L. Carruthers will explain the transformation of public attitude.
Susan L. Carruthers is a Wilson Center fellow and a professor of history at Rutgers University specializing in international and cultural history, with particular interests in representations of war and imperialism. Formerly, Carruthers was a fellow at the Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History at Harvard University and from 1993-2002 taught international history at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. Carruthers has authored numerous books including Cold War Captives: Imprisonment, Escape, and Brainwashing; The Media At War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century; Winning Hearts and Minds: British Governments, the Media and Colonial Counter-Insurgency 1944-60, as well as authored several articles in journals including American Quarterly, Cinéaste, Millennium, and Diplomatic History.
Carruthers holds a B.A. in international history and politics and a Ph.D. in communications from the University of Leeds.

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