Past Event

The Outlook of Brazil's Economy in a Tough Political Season

The Outlook of Brazil's Economy in a Tough Political Season

An accomplished economist,  Professor Nelson Barbosa, of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, has served with distinction in Brazil’s academia and government.  He was  deputy minister of Finance from January 2011 until May of this year, a challenging period when the country’s economy entered a rough and maybe long stretch of low growth and rising inflation as the government struggled to create a more inviting environment for domestic and foreign investments, especially in infrastructure.  Despite the difficulties of an underperforming economy, Dr. Barbosa left government service with his reputation intact. His departure was lamented by economic agents, analysts  and leaders of the business community.

On Friday 20th, Dr. Barbosa will discuss the outlook of the Brazilian economy as the nation embarks in an intense political season leading up  to presidential, gubernatorial and congressional elections scheduled for October 2014. Leading Brazilian economists will provide commentary.

Image courtesy of Flickr user Blog do Planalto.

Media Coverage post-event:

Barbosa sees an end to Brazil's economic stimulus policy

Claudia Trevisan – Estado de S. Paulo, 09/21/2013

Former IMF fiscal affairs director says country may lose its fiscal compass

Estado de S. Paulo, 09/21/2013

Hosted By

Brazil Institute

The Brazil Institute—the only country-specific policy institution focused on Brazil in Washington—aims to deepen understanding of Brazil’s complex landscape and strengthen relations between Brazilian and US institutions across all sectors.   Read more

Brazil Institute