Past Event

The Strategy Behind Political Repression in Venezuela

The Strategy Behind Political Repression in Venezuela

Abraham F. Lowenthal Public Policy Fellow Alfredo Romero will present the results of his research during a 4-month stay at the Wilson Center.  Romero will present an analysis of the trends in repression in Venezuela, based on information from the database of Foro Penal, one of Venezuela’s premier human rights organizations that represents political prisoners and detainees.  Romero will outline what he calls the “repression clock,” laying out the strategy behind political repression and cooptation in Venezuela at different stages of popular protest. 

He will compare Venezuela to other authoritarian regimes and also explore possible scenarios and methods for counteracting repression at the micro- as well as macro-level. 

Please join the Latin American Program on Wednesday, December 4, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., for a discussion of political repression in Venezuela and possible strategies for counteracting it.

Alfredo Romero, Lowenthal Public Policy Fellow, Wilson Center
Director, Foro Penal

Angelita Baeyens, Programs Director
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

Cynthia Arnson, Director, Latin American Program
Wilson Center

*Please note this event will be in English.

*Photo cedit: Flickr, Ashby