Past Event

What Comes Next in Argentina: A Conversation with Sergio Massa

Uncertainty about the priorities and policies of Argentina’s likely next government has unsettled markets since the August primaries, as observers shift their focus from “who will win?” to “what comes next?” The likelihood of President Mauricio Macri’s defeat in October resulted in a currency run and debt crisis.

Sergio Massa, a 2015 presidential candidate and the likely next speaker of the Argentine Lower House, is a leading figure in Peronism’s moderate wing and an influential supporter of Alberto Fernández’s presidential candidacy. Under a Fernández government, Massa, a onetime critic of Fernández de Kirchner’s administration, would be considered an important counterweight to his party’s left wing. He was the leading legislative candidate for Frente de Todos in Buenos Aires Province, attracting 50 percent of the votes.

Please join us on Friday, October 4, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to hear Massa’s analysis of Argentina’s crisis management plans, and the prospects for structural reforms under its next government.

Opening Remarks

Benjamin N. Gedan, PhD
Senior Adviser, Latin American Program
Director, Argentina Project
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Keynote Speaker

Sergio Massa
Frente de Todos, Argentina


Rafael Mathus Ruiz
U.S. Correspondent, La Nación

*  Please Note:  The seminar will be in Spanish, without simultaneous translation.


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Hosted By

Argentina Project

The Argentina Project is the premier institution for policy-relevant research on politics and economics in Argentina.    Read more

Argentina Project

Latin America Program

The Wilson Center’s prestigious Latin America Program provides non-partisan expertise to a broad community of decision makers in the United States and Latin America on critical policy issues facing the Hemisphere. The Program provides insightful and actionable research for policymakers, private sector leaders, journalists, and public intellectuals in the United States and Latin America. To bridge the gap between scholarship and policy action, it fosters new inquiry, sponsors high-level public and private meetings among multiple stakeholders, and explores policy options to improve outcomes for citizens throughout the Americas. Drawing on the Wilson Center’s strength as the nation’s key non-partisan policy forum, the Program serves as a trusted source of analysis and a vital point of contact between the worlds of scholarship and action.   Read more

Latin America Program