Past Event

What's Next for Post-Election Taiwan

Taiwan’s citizens went to the polls on January 13 to cast their votes on who will be their next President at a time of mounting cross-Strait tensions. With Xi Jinping declaring unification between China and Taiwan is “inevitable” in his New Year’s address, managing relations with Beijing will be of foremost concern for whoever leads Taiwan for the next four years. Meanwhile, the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and the opposition Kuomintang Party each have distinct visions not only on how to manage risks with China, but also how to ensure the island’s security and economic future at a time of increased global uncertainties.

Join us for a webcast discussion on what the election results mean for the future of Taiwan and its people, how the new leader will manage relations with the People’s Republic of China, the future of US-Taiwan ties, and implications for Washington’s relations with Beijing.


A photo of Ivan Kanapathy
Ivan Kanapathy
Senior Associate, CSIS; Former Director for China, Taiwan, and Mongolia, National Security Council 
A photo of Shirley Kan
Shirley Kan
Independent Specialist in Indo-Pacific Security Affairs; Former Asian Affairs Specialist with Congressional Research Service

Hosted By

Indo-Pacific Program

The Indo-Pacific Program promotes policy debate and intellectual discussions on US interests in the Asia-Pacific as well as political, economic, security, and social issues relating to the world’s most populous and economically dynamic region.    Read more

Indo-Pacific Program