2022 Latin American Program Wilson Awards Gala

Since 1998, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars has recognized leaders who work tirelessly to improve the quality of life of others with the Wilson Awards. The Center nominates those who have shown extraordinary commitment to service in the spirit of Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States.

At a dinner Gala on March 8, 2022, in Miami, Florida, the Wilson Center and its Latin American Program and Brazil Institute honored five outstanding individuals with the Wilson Award for Corporate Citizenship and the Wilson Award for Public Service.


LAP Gala 2022 - Clemencia Carabali 2

2022 Latin American Program Wilson Awards Gala

The Latin American Program honored five prominent civic and corporate leaders at a Wilson Awards Gala, held in Miami on March 8. In a ceremony coinciding with International Women’s Day, the Program honored the achievements of philanthropist and marine conservation leader Dona Bertarelli; Afro-Colombian activist Clemencia Carabalí; CEO of PepsiCo Latin America, Paula Santilli; the CEO of Nubank, David Vélez; and founder of Natura, Guilherme Leal. Speakers recognized their contributions to the environment, sustainable development, women's empowerment, financial inclusion, and peace building.

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