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21st Century Diplomacy Events




Solutions for Thirsty Rivers

Seeking Innovative Solutions for Thirsty Rivers in China, US and the Middle East

The deadly droughts and floods in the summer of 2022 gave the world a sobering reminder of the costs of inaction on climate change and the weaknesses in existing water infrastructure. In the run up to the November climate conference in Egypt, CEF is bringing together three experts to dive into obstacles and solutions for China, the United States, Iraq and Iran to act on protecting rivers in a climate vulnerable world. This discussion will feature Ma Jun (Institute for Public and Environmental Affairs and Wilson Center Global Fellow), whose dynamic NGO is committed to promoting transparency around pollution and climate change in China; Susanne Schmeier, an Associate Professor of Water Law and Diplomacy at IHE Delft, who focuses on the legal and institutional dimensions of water resources management at both the (sub-)national and transboundary levels, and John Matthews who co-founded the Alliance for Global Water Adaptation in 2010 with the World Bank where he focuses on the intersection of water with climate adaptation and resilience.



Climate Change illustration with glacier, Eiffel Tower, thermometer, and leaders at the signing of the Paris Climate Agreement

Dec. 16 Event: Foreign Policy is Climate Policy: New Modes of Multilateralism & the Call for a More Equitable and Just World

How can the foreign policy community harness the transformative power of the new leadership coalitions that have emerged to strengthen the UNFCCC process—an indispensable mode of diplomacy? And as decision-makers push forward on climate action, how can they incorporate the increasingly compelling calls for social and racial justice into efforts to address climate change? On December 16, 2020, the Wilson Center and adelphi hosted a panel discussion on the new modes of multilateralism that have emerged in the wake of the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and what this means alongside global demands for a more equitable and just world under a uniting rallying cry for action on climate.

wind farm image

Dec. 14 Event: All Carbon Neutral Roads Lead to Paris? Climate Action in the U.S. and China

As the world faces a critical crossroads for tackling the climate crisis and mobilizing to meet Paris Climate Agreement targets, our collective future increasingly hinges upon aggressive action by the earth’s two biggest energy consumers and CO2 emitters. On December 14, 2020, the Wilson Center's China Environment Forum hosted a discussion on climate action in the U.S. and China.

row of international flags

Oct. 2 Event: 21st Century Diplomacy: Foreign Policy is Climate Policy

On October 2, 2020, the Wilson Center and adelphi hosted the virtual launch of “21st Century Diplomacy: Foreign Policy is Climate Policy” a series of op-eds, interviews, and in-depth articles focused on seven central climate-related challenges for foreign policy, as part of the 2020 Berlin Security Conference. Panelists discussed how climate risks and climate policy are affecting global and regional balances of power – and the political opportunities to raise ambition and new leadership coalitions.

Watch the event