From July 10 to 13, 2017, the Wilson Center Africa Program hosted the 2017 annual Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding (SVNP) conference at the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C. Under the theme, “Peacebuilding in Africa - What Works?” the conference served as a forum for substantive, productive, and enlightening discussions on major issues for peacebuilding in Africa, as well as an opportunity for sharing the work of the 21 SVNP member organizations. Through sixteen internal sessions, workshops, and public events, representatives from the member organizations of the SVNP, U.S. policymakers, researchers, and practitioners engaged on and discussed the key issues, challenges, lessons learned, and best practices for peacebuilding in Africa.
Find further details on the conversations held during the conference’s three public events, including webcasts and photos, below:
1. Peacebuilding Architectures and Institutions - What Works?
2. Elections and Peacebuilding - Key Issues, Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Best Practices
3. Post-Conflict Peacebuilding - Key Issues, Challenges, Lessons Learned, and Best Practices
A conference report will be published in the coming weeks. If you have any questions about the conference, please email
The Southern Voices Network for Peacebuilding (SVNP) is a continent-wide network of African policy and research organizations that works with the Africa Program to bring African analyses and perspectives to key issues in U.S.-Africa relations. Funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York since 2011, the project provides avenues for African researchers to engage with, inform, and exchange perspectives with U.S. and international policymakers in order to develop the most appropriate, cohesive, and inclusive policy frameworks for the issues of peacebuilding and state-building in Africa.
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