Amal-Lee Amin

Guest Speaker

Professional Affiliation

Division Chief, Climate Change Division, Inter-American Development Bank

Expert Bio

Amal-Lee Amin is Chief of the Climate Change and Sustainability Division at the Inter-American Development Bank. Her return in August 2015 follows a previous two year role leading on design and implementation of the Climate Investment Funds from 2008–2010. Having worked at the heart of the UK Government developing strategy and policy on climate change and sustainable energy between 2001-11 achievements include: design of a new Green Investment Bank; successfully engaging developing countries on the UK’s G8 and EU Presidencies; leading EU negotiations under the UNFCCC and; development of high profile partnerships between the UK/EU and developing countries. From 2011-2015 Amal-Lee was Associate Director at E3G leading a program on international climate finance within Africa, Asia and Latin America, including launch of a high-level dialogue on China’s Green Finance Pathway to 2030. International roles included member of the Private Sector Advisor Group to the Green Climate Fund; facilitator of OECD DAC task team on tracking environmental finance and advising the UNFCCC and private sector initiatives on climate finance. Amal-Lee’s PhD focused on policies and institutions for increasing private sector investment in renewable energy within developing countries, with case studies of India and South Africa.