Carlos Hernández
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
Executive Secretary, Association for a More Just Society (Chapter of Transparency International in Honduras)
Expert Bio
Carlos Hernández is President of the Board of Directors of the Association for a Fairer Society (ASJ) and of Transparency International in Honduras, where he has helped with designing public policies. He also serves as President of the Transformemos Honduras coalition and is on the Board of Directors of both the Alliance for Peace and Justice and the Federation of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Development of Honduras (FOPRIDEH)—all organizations with considerable success in advocacy and social oversight on issues of peace, citizen security, and transparency. In Honduras, Hernández is an opinion leader on issues related to public policy, corruption, transparency, democracy, and development. He has also spoken at international conferences on security, transparency, and development. In recent years, Hernández has worked on reforming the Honduran security, justice, education, health, and democratic system, while also strengthening the transparency of the State.