Carol Wise
Former Public Policy Scholar
Professional Affiliation
Associate Professor,School of International Relations, University of Southern California
Wilson Center Project
The Politics of Divergence in North America
Major Publications
- Requiem or Revival?: The Promise of North American Integration. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 2007.
- Outline of Book: Reflections on North American Integration: Requiem or Revival?
- Chapter 1: The Politics of Economic Divergence in North America (Carol Wise)
- Chapter 1 Annex
- Chapter 6: Canada and Hemispheric Integration (Gordon Mace)
- Chapter 7: The WTO Doha Round: Its Problems, Challenges and Prospects (Theodore Cohn)
- Chapter 8: Canada and the Doha Development Round (Chantal Blouin and Ann Weston)
- Chapter 15: North American Migration and the Search for Positive-Sum Returns (Tamara Woroby)