Darling Anderson
Professional Affiliation
AIA Youth Representative; APIA Cultural Heritage Coordinator
Expert Bio
Darling Anderson is Unangax̂ from False Pass, Alaska, and her Unangax̂ name is Chnatux̂. She currently lives and works on Dena'ina homeland in what is known as Anchorage, Alaska. She grew-up both in her home village with her mother, father, and five sisters and spent summers subsistence fishing and gathering. Most of Anderson's school years were spent in Anchorage. She received my Bachelors of Arts in Rural Development with a concentration in Community Research and Indigenous Knowledge from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2017, and currently works at Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) as the Cultural Heritage Coordinator. She is also the youth representative for Aleut International Association and a dance member of the Anchorage Unangax̂ Dancers. Anderson is continuously learning Unangam tunuu, her mother tongue, and has been helping to teach while she learns.
Insight & Analysis by Darling Anderson
- Past event
- Polar
The Arctic in 25 Years: First Annual International Youth Symposium