Feodor Voitolovsky

Guest Speaker

Professional Affiliation

Director, Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO)

Expert Bio

Feodor Voitolovsky holds an MA at Department of History, Moscow State Lomonosov University – MGU (2001) and a PhD in political science and international relations at IMEMO (2004). He is a full professor (2013) and has been elected Corresponding-member of Russian Academy of Sciences (2016).

Since 2003 Feodor Voitolovsky has worked for IMEMO. He became deputy director of IMEMO for international politics and in 2017 was elected as director of the Institute.

His research interests are focused on the US foreign and security policy in Europe and Asia Pacific, Russian-American relations and US-China relations. Prof. Voitolovsky has participated in several track II bilateral and trilateral initiatives on international security.