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Glen Weyl

Guest Speaker

    Professional affiliation

    Founder, Microsoft Research Plural Technology Collaboratory, RadicalxChange Foundation and Plurality Institute

    Full Biography

    Technological movements like Web 3, the metaverse, artificial intelligence and social networks are shaping the future of our society and economy.  Yet, too often they do so to the detriment of our values of faith, pluralistic cooperation and democratic governance. Glen Weyl is there world’s leading expert on how to harness these emerging tools to instead advance those values. 

    As the primary intellectual collaborator of Audrey Tang (1st Digital Minister of Taiwan), Vitalik Buterin (Founder of Ethereum), and Jaron Lanier (father of Virtual Reality), Glen has shaped the world’s most vibrant national digital democracy, digital decentralized ecosystem, and tech reform movement respectively.  As co-author of ⿻ 數位 Plurality and Radical Markets, Glen invented social technologies like Quadratic Voting and Soulbound Tokens that have become the gold standard for democratic innovation.  As an advisor on geopolitics and macroeconomics to Microsoft’s senior leaders during the core of the AI revolution, Glen has helped companies navigate the intersection of an unsettled world with exponential technical progress. As Founder of RadicalxChange and technical co-lead of the Committee for Pandemic Testing, Glen has built a global social movement across civil, academic, public and private sectors to tackle the most pressing and enduring social challenges. 

    Recognized by WIRED as one of the 25 people shaping the next 25 years of technology, Glen is a voice that anyone who believes in a digital future for liberal democracy must hear.