Josephine Mintel
Professional Affiliation
Writer, Western Balkans Foreign Policy Analyst
Expert Bio
Josephine Mintel is a recent Boren Fellow, an initiative of the United States National Security Education Program. In Sarajevo, she continues her research on grassroots peacebuilding initiatives against ethnic segregation in the Bosnian public schools. She graduated from the University of Chicago’s Committee on International Relations program, where her course work focused on International Security, Conflict Studies, and Comparative Studies in Political Institutions and Identity. Josephine also holds a Bachelor’s in Neuroscience from Johns Hopkins University and a Master’s in Neurobiology from the University of Göttingen in Germany. During her time in Germany, she became interested in transatlantic policy and international relations. Subsequently, she joined the United States Peace Corps in Kosovo, where she taught English and violin performance in the Gračanica municipality. She speaks German and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian. She promotes a broad range of human rights initiatives, advocating for the education and empowerment of youth, women, and minorities in post-conflict regions.
Insight & Analysis by Josephine Mintel
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