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Kathleen J Frydl

Former Fellow


    September 1, 2009 — May 1, 2010

    Professional affiliation

    Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of California at Berkeley

    Wilson Center Projects

    "Drug Wars"

    Full Biography

    I study U.S. political history and, within that subfield, I have a particular interest in institutional development. I see my project on the federal government's prosecution of the modern drug war as a continuation and combination of interests, including my engagement with "disorder" studies and American political development.



    B.A. (1994) University of California, Davis; M.A. (1996) University of Chicago; Ph.D. (2000) University of Chicago



    Assistant Professor, University of California, Berkeley, 2003-present; Program Officer, National Academies, 2000-2003



    U.S. political history

    Major Publications

    • The GI Bill, (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009)
    • "Kidnapping and US State Development," Studies in American Political Development, (Spring 2006)
    • "Trust to the Public: Academic Freedom in the Multiversity," in Academic Freedom After September 11, Beshara Doumani, ed., (New York: Zone Books, 2006)