Linda Oucho

RAFDI Working Group Member

Professional Affiliation

Executive Director, African Migration and Development Policy Centre

Expert Bio

Dr. Linda Adhiambo Oucho is the Executive Director of the African Migration and Development Policy Centre (AMADPOC), an independent research think tank leading in policy-based research on migration and development issues in Eastern Africa and beyond. An established migration expert, Dr. Oucho holds a PhD in Ethnic Relations from the University of Warwick, where she specialized in international migration of African Women. She contributes to research activities in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa with the aim of influencing policy change on migration dynamics based on evidence. She has undertaken projects on internal, regional, and international migration related to poverty, climate change, youth-employment-migration nexus, forced displacement as well as diaspora return migration and reintegration among others. Dr. Oucho works in partnership with international institutions including University of Ghana, Open University and Carleton University among others. She currently works closely with national governments in Kenya, Uganda and Malawi, assisting key stakeholders on migration profiles and labour migration dynamics supporting efforts to develop policies on migration. She has also undertaken consultancies with a number of international agencies including African Union, IOM, ICMPD, UNDP, GIZ, FAO, IDRC and FES among others.  She serves as an editorial board member for the International Migration Review (IMR) and is a Migration Research and Publishing High Level Advisor for the International Organization for Migration (IOM). She is a member of the Technical Working Group on Counter Trafficking in Kenya and an active member of the National Coordination Mechanism for Migration (NCM) led by the Government of Kenya.