Marie Royce

Guest Speaker

Professional Affiliation

Assistant Secretary of State for Educational & Cultural Affairs

Expert Bio

A businesswoman and former professor, Marie Royce has served as Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs since March 2018. In this role, she oversees a wide range of programs that advance U.S. foreign policy objectives through educational, professional, cultural, and sports exchanges that promote mutual understanding between people of the United States and people of other nations. She leverages networks and partnerships to advance U.S. foreign policy goals and address global challenges and opportunities.

With more than 30 years of experience in the private sector and Fortune 500 companies, Royce has served as an appointee on the Advisory Committee on International Communications and Information Policy (ACICIP) at the State Department as well as two U.S. Cultural Exchange Boards and 20 non-profit boards. She traveled as an American Council of Young Political Leaders (ACYPL) delegate to Hungary and Poland and received the Internationalism Award from The American Women for International Understanding (AWIU). Royce earned a BSBA from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona and an MBA from Georgetown University in International Business with honors, Beta Gamma Sigma. She is the recipient of the Distinguished Alumni Award from her alma mater.