Mark Everett
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
U.S. Coast Guard District 17 Incident Management & Preparedness Advisor, Co-Chair of the Joint Planning Group for Russia-U.S. Joint Marine Pollution Contingency Plan (JCP)
Expert Bio
After a nearly 30-year active duty career, Mark Everett has served as the Seventeenth Coast Guard District Incident Management & Preparedness Advisor since May 2012. His duties include subject matter expertise in the National Response System, service as the USCG co-chair of the Alaska Regional Response Team (ARRT) and the Russia-U.S. Joint Contingency Plan Joint Planning Group, as a USCG representative on the U.S. delegation to the Arctic Council Emergency Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (EPPR) work group, and numerous boards & committees related to Marine Environmental Protection.