Mtro. Rommel Moreno Manjarrez
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
Head of the Special Department for the Implementation of the Adversarial Criminal Justice System, Office of the Attorney General (PGR)
Expert Bio
The Honorable Rommel Moreno Manjarrez was appointed by the Governor of Baja California as State Attorney General on November 21, 2007. Since then, Mr. Moreno has been at the forefront in combating the State’s crime and violence. Before his appointment as the Attorney General, he was the General Controller of the Federal Police and the Chief of Staff of the Federal Assistant Attorney General in Mexico City. Mr. Moreno also served as Chief Legal Advisor for cases of murdered women in Ciudad Juarez, and held the title of Attorney General and of Assistant Attorney General of Baja California in 2001. Moreno holds a law degree from the University of Baja California and two certifications: one in Criminal Law from Salamantina University in Spain and the second in Intelligence and Security from LSD University in Israel. Mr. Moreno also was a law professor for the University of Baja California and CETYS University.
Insight & Analysis by Mtro. Rommel Moreno Manjarrez
- Past event
- Rule of Law
Mexico Security Review 2016: Assessing the Outlook for the Rule of Law

- Past event
Wilson Center Briefing: "Fighting Organized Crime in Mexico by Reforming the Justice System"

- Past event
- Democracy
Judicial Reform in Mexico: Why it is Needed and Where Things Stand