Nida Gelazis
Former Senior Associate
Expert Bio
M.A., Comparative European and International Law (LLM), European University Institute, Florence, Italy; B.A., Political Science, University of Chicago
Balkan Region,Constitutionalism,Democratization,East Europe,European Union,Human Rights,International Law
Managing editor, East European Constitutional Review, University of Chicago Law School and the Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute, Budapest, Hungary (1994-96); research associate, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Florence, Italy (1997-2000)
East Europe; European Union (especially enlargement); constitutionalism; democratization; human rights; international law
Major Publications
- Cities after the Fall of Communism: Reshaping Cultural Landscapes and European Identity, co-editor with John J. Czaplicka and Blair A. Ruble (Woodrow Wilson Center Press and The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009)
- "The Tenth Anniversary of the Dayton Accords and Afterwards: Reflections on Post-Conflict State- and Nation-Building," editor, EES Special Report, April 2007
- "An Evaluation of International Instruments that Address the Condition of Statelessness: A Case Study of Estonia and Latvia," in International Migration Law: Developing Paradigms and Key Challenges, ed. Ryszard Cholewinski, Richard Perruchoud and Euan MacDonald (Asser Press, 2007)
- "Fighting Poverty and Reforming Social Security: What Can Post-Soviet States Learn from the New Democracies of Central Europe?," co-editor with Michael Cain and Tomazs Inglot, EES Special Report, February 2007
- "Kosovo: Mission Not Yet Accomplished," co-author with Martin Sletzinger, The Wilson Quarterly, Autumn 2005
- "Women in East European Politics," editor, EES Special Report, September 2005
- "Statelessness in the Baltic States: Ramifications for European Citizenship and Social Stratification after EU Enlargement," European Journal of Migration and Law 6: 225-242, 2004.
- "East Europe's New Role in the Middle East," editor, EES News Special Report, January 2004
- "Defending Order and Freedom: The Lithuanian Constitutional Court in its First Decade," in Constitutional Justice: East and West, ed. Wojciech Sadurski (Kluwer International, 2003)
- "Institutional Engineering in Lithuania: Stability through Compromise," in Consolidation of Democracy in Eastern Europe: Institutional Engineering, ed. Jan Zielonka (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001)
- "The Effects of EU Conditionality on Citizenship Policies and Protection of National Minorities in the Baltic States," in The Road to the European Union - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, ed. Jan Zielonka and Vello Pettai (Manchester University Press, 2003); also published as a Working Paper of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, No. 2000/68
Insight & Analysis by Nida Gelazis
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- Past event
- Cold War
The Devil in History: Communism, Fascism, and Some Lessons of the Twentieth Century

- Past event
- Human Rights
Labor Migration in Eurasia: Links to Global Migration and Human Security Trends

- Past event
- Democracy
The Working Group on the Western Balkans: Setting an Agenda for Transatlantic Cooperation

- Past event
- Democracy
The Working Group on the Western Balkans: Setting an Agenda for Transatlantic Cooperation

- Past event
- Democracy
The Working Group on the Western Balkans: Reinforcing EU Conditionality

- Past event
- Democratic Transition
Lost in Transition: Ethnographies of Everyday Life After Communism

- Past event
- European Union
Responding to the Economic Crisis: Austerity, Neoliberalism, and Beyond Neoliberalism

- Past event
- History
Theatre and the Holocaust in Romania: A dramatic reading of the Journals of Mihail Sebastian