Nisrin Elamin

Professional Affiliation

Assistant Professor of Anthropology and African Studies, University of Toronto

Expert Bio

Nisrin Elamin is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology and African Studies at the University of Toronto. She received her BA in Socio-political Development Studies from Harvard University in 2000 and her PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University in 2020. Dr. Elamin  is currently writing a book tentatively titled: Stratified Enclosures: Land, Capital and Empire-making in central Sudan which focuses on Saudi and Emirati land investments and community resistance to land dispossession in the Gezira region of central Sudan. In addition to scholarly articles, Nisrin has also published and co-written several op-eds for Al Jazeera, the Washington Post, Okay Africa, Hammer and Hope and the Egypt Independent. Before pursuing her Ph.D., Nisrin spent over a decade working as an educator, community organizer and researcher in the US and Tanzania. She is also a member of the Sudan Solidarity Collective which has been supporting local emergency response rooms (ERRs) in the face of a largely absent international aid community and civilian state. The collective has raised over $500,000 for ERRs and other grassroots organizations at the forefront of relief efforts throughout the country, through political education and teach-ins. It has also been organizing around more just Canadian immigration policies.