Patrick Vaughan

Former Short-Term Scholar

Professional Affiliation

Professor, Institute for American Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland

Expert Bio






History,Soviet Union,U.S. Foreign Policy

Wilson Center Project

"Zbigniew Brzezinski's Role in Urging A Greater U.S. Focus on the Former Soviet Nationalities"

Project Summary

The project examines Brzezinski’s role in 1990s, particularly his role in Ukraine and his urging the Clinton Administration to expand the NATO alliance and to avoid neglecting the former Soviet republics. Brzezinski, perhaps more than any other Western strategist in the Cold War, was aware of the gravity of the Soviet nationality problem.

Previous Terms

Short-Term Grant, Kennan Institute, "The Political and Academic Career of Zbigniew Brzezinski" (Sep 1, 2003 - Oct 1, 2003); Short-Term Scholar, Kennan Institute, "The Public Career of Zbigniew Brzezinski" (May 1, 2005 - June 1, 2005)