Raymond M. Colston
Guest Speaker
Professional Affiliation
National Intelligence Manager for Korea, Director of National Intelligence
Expert Bio
Raymond M. Colston is National Intelligence Manager for Korea, Director of National Intelligence. Prior to this position, Colston was Senior Defense Intelligence Analyst for Northeast Asia (SDIA) in the Office for Asia Pacific Analysis at Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). From 2004 to 2008, Colston was responsible for DIA's analytic efforts for the Northeast Asia and represented the agency to senior US officials, foreign partners, the Intelligence Community, and the Combatant Commands. In 2008 Ray deployed to Baghdad as the Chief, Defense Forward Element- Iraq and senior DIA representative to Multi-National Forces - Iraq (MNF-I) where he was responsible for the integration and efforts of more than three hundred DIA service members, civilians, and contractors operating in Iraq. Following his return Ray was the SDIA for Executive Production and Senior Reviewer for the Defense Intelligence Digest, and DIA's contributions to the Presidential Daily Brief. Colston earned BA and MA degrees in Asian Studies from Brigham Young University and University of Hawaii. He and his wife, Stephanie, live in Woodbridge, Virginia.
Insight & Analysis by Raymond M. Colston
- Past event
- Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding