Roman Abramov
Former George F. Kennan Fellow
Professional Affiliation
Associate Professor, National Research University, Higher School of Economics
Expert Bio
Roman Abramov is a associate professor National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow). He is kandidate in sociology(2000) and specialises on memory studies, social history, sociology of professions and education. His specific interest is postsoviet nostalgia studies.
Wilson Center Project
Museumification of the Soviet Past in Russia and Ukraine: Between Nostalgia and Historical Trauma
Project Summary
The project is devoted to the comparative study of chronology and typology of the Soviet past museumification in Ukraine and Russia. The project involves three objects of study: "museums of communism", the national historical museums, temporary exhibitions. The main hypothesis of this research is that Russia and Ukraine have different experience of the communist past and its understanding, interpretation and museumification causes contemporary ideological confrontations. The social importance of the project consists in establishing cooperation between Russian and Ukrainian researchers to achieve mutual understanding of the Soviet past and create new forms of good-neighborly relations.
Major Publications
- Abramov R. Understanding Professionalism in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia: an Analytical Review// American Sociologist, 2015, #3
- Abramov R. N. Managerialism and the academic profession // Russian Education and Society. 2012. Vol. 54. No. 3. P. 63-80
- Abramov R. N. The modern park as "recreational machine". Barrier technologies and surveillance in Moscow's Tsaritsino, in: Kontrolle offentlicher Raume. Unterstutzen, Unterdrucken, Unterhalten, Unterwanden. Berlin : Lit Verlag Berlin, 2013. Ch. 6. P. 118-130.