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Steve Isakowitz

Guest Speaker

    Professional affiliation

    President and CEO, The Aerospace Corporation

    Full Biography

    The Honorable Steven J. Isakowitz is president and chief executive officer of The Aerospace Corporation, a leading architect for the nation’s national security and civil space programs. The Aerospace Corporation has more than 4,000 employees and annual revenues of $1.1 billion. He assumed this position on October 1, 2016.

    As a recognized leader across the government, private, space, and technology sectors, Isakowitz has served in prominent roles at Virgin, the U.S. Department of Energy, NASA, and the White House Office of Management and Budget.

    Isakowitz serves on various advisory boards at both the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and California State University Long Beach, and has served on the FAA’s Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee. He also co-authored the AIAA’s International Reference Guide to Space Launch Systems, which received the Summerfield Book Award in 2003.

    During his tenure at Virgin, Isakowitz served as chief technology officer and later as president of the firm’s space ventures business, which included such responsibilities as the development of privately funded launch systems, advanced technologies, and other new space applications.

    Prior to Virgin, Isakowitz served as chief financial officer of the U.S. Department of Energy, where he supported basic scientific research and advanced energy technologies in the national security and civil sectors, while managing a budget of nearly $30 billion.

    Previously, he served as deputy associate administrator for the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA, where he helped guide the development of advanced technologies and promoted innovative approaches in the areas of space transportation and government-industry partnerships.

    Prior to his NASA work, Isakowitz served as science and space programs branch chief at the White House Office of Management and Budget, where he oversaw $50 billion in federal science and technology programs, which included NASA, NOAA, and the National Science Foundation.

    Isakowitz earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in aerospace engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.