Tatyana Kovalevskaya

Guest Speaker

Professional Affiliation

Professor, European Languages Department, Russian State University for the Humanities

Expert Bio

Tatyana Kovalevskaya is a graduate of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU). She holds a PhD from Yale University and a D.Sc. in Philosophy from MSU, awarded for her doctoral dissertation "Self-Deification in European Culture." She holds the rank of Full Professor at the European Languages Department, the Institute of Linguistics, Russian State University for the Humanities. Her work includes, among other publications, Self-Deification in European Culture (2011),  History, Literature, and Culture of Great Britain (textbook co-authored with Fairuza Vagizova and Yevgenia Semenyuk). She translated into Russian monographs by American and British scholars (Robert Louis Jackson, Kathryn B. Feuer, Richard Gustafson, Deborah Martinsen, Simon Franklin, and Emily Rose) and Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded  (2013). Her latest work is titled Fyodor Dostoevsky On the Dignity of the Human Person (2020). This bilingual Russian-English textbook was awarded a diploma in Best Book in the Humanities nomination at the 2020 Best Academic Book
