Hon. Jean Charest
Canada Institute Advisory Board Member
Professional Affiliation
Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP; Former Premier of Québec
Expert Bio
As Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Premier of Québec, Jean Charest is one of Canada’s best known political figures.
He was notably the initiator of the negotiation for the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). Furthermore, the Charest government initiated an unprecedented labour mobility agreement between France and Québec.
As Minister of the Environment, he led his country’s delegation at the 1992 Earth Summit on the economy and the environment in Rio and was praised for his leadership role among G7 countries on climate change and biodiversity.
The Charest government has been a world leader on the environment and climate change, and best known for a major initiative for the sustainable development of Northern Québec called “Plan Nord”.
Under his leadership, Québec experienced a sustained period of economic prosperity with stronger economic growth from 2008 to 2012 than the US, Europe, Canada and Ontario, despite a global financial and economic crisis.
Jean Charest is a Partner at McCarthy Tétrault.
Insight & Analysis by Hon. Jean Charest
- Podcast
- History
Remembering Prime Minister Brian Mulroney
Listen on

- Article
- Global Alliances & Partnerships
Canada Institute Experts Reflect on the Legacy of Brian Mulroney

- Article
NAFTA at 30: Canada Institute and Mexico Institute Experts Reflect

- Publication
- Border Security
Report of The Wilson Center Task Force on Public Health and the U.S.-Canadian Border
- By
- Hon. A. Anne McLellan,
- Hon. James Douglas,
- Hon. Christine Gregoire,
- and 2 more

- Past event
- Border Security
The U.S.-Canadian Border: Recovery from COVID-19

- Past event
- Border Security
Week 52: Measuring the Regional Impacts of the Canada-U.S. Border Restrictions