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Xavier Delgado

Associate, Canada Institute

Professional affiliation

Research Director, Washington Forum on the Canadian Economy
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  • Canadian Political Economy
  • North American Security
  • Trade and Economic Policy

Full Biography

Xavier (Xavi) Delgado is a Research Associate at the Canada Institute. Born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia to a family of Filipino immigrants, he is a proud Canadian with a background in security studies and political economy.

At the Wilson Center, Mr. Delgado is the Research Director for the Washington Forum on the Canadian Economy, staff lead for the Canada-US Commission on China, and the Project Manager for the Thinking Canada publication series. He also produces Canusa Street – a podcast collaboration with the Canadian American Business Council – and writes frequently on issues relating to national security, innovation policy, and Canada’s evolving role in the Indo-Pacific.

Outside of the Wilson Center, Mr. Delgado is a member of the Oxford Analytica contributor network and co-president of the young professionals network North America 3.0.

Prior to joining the Canada Institute, Mr. Delgado worked under the Finance Counselor at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, DC and for former Minister of Justice and Attorney General Jody Wilson-Raybould in the Vancouver-Granville Constituency Office. He briefly worked with the Goethe Institut's Western Europe headquarters on digital outreach and marketing strategy. Mr. Delgado graduated from Georgetown University's Walsh School of Foreign Service, earning a B.S. in Foreign Service and an Honors Certificate from the Landegger Program in International Business Diplomacy.