Podcast series

Cool Agriculture Podcast

This podcast series is part of a Wilson Center China Environment Forum and Ohio State University initiative called Cultivating US and Chinese Climate Leadership on Food and Agriculture. These episodes explore three areas of shared interest for the United States and China to address GHG emissions from agriculture: soil, rice, and cows.

Soil, the Earth’s “silent climate fighter,” is the largest reservoir of carbon in the terrestrial biosphere, while cows and rice emit methane and nitrous oxide, two climate super-pollutants. In 6 episodes (3 in Chinese, 3 in English), Sustainable Asia’s Marcy Trent Long, Chermaine Lee, and Sam Li sit down with agricultural experts to dig into dirt, banter about bovines, and wade into sticky climate issues with rice. Each episode explores potential solutions to address agriculture’s big carbon footprint and ways the United States and China could work together.

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China Environment Forum

China’s global footprint isn’t just an economic one, it’s an environmental one. From BRI investments in Africa and Asia to its growing presence in Latin America, understanding China’s motivations, who stands to gain - and who stands to lose - is critical to informing smart US foreign policy.    Read more

China Environment Forum