Science Research and Climate Change
Climate change is the principle driver of most all other changes in the Arctic. Research is critical to understanding these far-reaching environmental changes and is essential in the creation of informed policy.
The Arctic is experiencing unprecedented environmental changes. Indeed, the region is warming more than twice the global average. Receding sea ice, thawing permafrost, and other changes in the Arctic environment will affect how people, communities, governments, and organizations live, work, and govern the future. A thorough understanding of what, how, and why these changes occur will be critical to ensure the region is properly protected, sustainably developed, and peacefully managed.
Highlight: Release of IPCC Report
In October 2019, the Polar Institute hosted the release of the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate. In the report, more than 100 scientists from 80 countries assessed the latest scientific knowledge about how climate change is impacting the ocean, coastal, polar, and mountain ecosystems, and the communities that depend on them.
Watch the Event Recap