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Winter 2011 Happy Holidays from the Latin American Program, Brazil Institute, and Mexico Institute! In this newsletter you will find the highlights of our work in the second semester, 2011. In This Issue... Border Security & Migration Is the Border Broken? Rethinking the Conventional Wisdom
Immigrants in the United States: How Well Are They Integrating into Society?
Temporary Migrant Careworker Programs in Canada and the European Union: Models for the United States?
Art Exhibit: Mexican-American Crossroads Citizen Security & Organized Crime Is Rio's Tough Love Strategy Against Violence Working?
New Strategies for Confronting Organized Crime in Mexico
Following the Money Trail in Central America: Money Laundering and Implications in Regional Security
Criminal Organizations and Illicit Trafficking within Guatemala’s Border Communities
The Peace Movement in Mexico: Efforts to bring justice to the victims of violence in the country
Human Smuggling and Organized Crime in Mexico: Three Case Studies
Previewing the OAS General Assembly: Citizen Security in the Americas
Policing Democracy: Overcoming Obstacles to Citizen Security Reform in Latin America
"What's the Matter with Mexico: Drugs, Dinosaurs, and Dithering"
Crime and Violence in Central America Democratic Governance and Human Rights Latin American Elections 2011-2012: What Do They Tell Us?
Javier Arturo Valdez Cárdenas, 2011 Committee to Protect Journalists International Press Freedom Awardee
Argentina’s Presidential Elections: A Post-Elections Assessment
Peru under Humala: Perspectives for Change?
Guatemala: A Post-Elections Assessment and Future Challenges
Countdown to 2012: Mexico's Electoral Landscape in the Year Ahead
"As Full Rehabilitation as is Possible": Do Torture Survivors Have a Right to Care?
Mexico's Future
The Quality of Democracy in Latin America Development & Economy A Complex Web of Ties: Business-Government Links in Brazil
Health in the Americas: Women's Leadership in the Healthcare System
A Discussion with ANP Director Allan Barros
Latin America's Development and Social Agenda
Mexican Economy: Growth Without Reforms Environment Managing The Planet: The Road to Rio+20
Release of the Good Neighbor Environmental Board's 14th Report to the President and Congress
The Unconquered: In Search of the Amazon’s Last Uncontacted Tribes
The State of the Oceans
Building a Low Carbon Economy in Brazil: Perspectives on Renewable Energy Public Policies
Managing Our Forests: Carbon, Climate Change, and Fire Dialogues With Mexico Discussion with Enrique Peña Nieto
Dialogues with Mexico / Diálogos con México, featuring Josefina Vázquez MotaDialogues with Mexico/Diálogos con México featuring Andrés Manuel López Obrador Latin American Foreign Policy & International Relations The Impact of the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict on the Arab and Jewish Diasporas in Latin America
The Americas and the World: Public Opinion and Foreign Policy in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, And Peru
Fixing Haiti: MINUSTAH and Beyond
A Conversation with H.E. Porfirio Lobo Sosa President of the Republic of Honduras
Latin America and China: What Do They Mean for Each Other?
Homero Campa Butron on “Tres Episodios en Una Relación Tri-Lateral”
The Elephant and the Jaguar: Whither Indo-Latin America Relations?
BRICS: Shaping the New Global Architecture
Mexico's Presidential Elections: Implications for the U.S. Relationship with its Neighbor Next Door
Brazil, Argentina, and the Road to the NPT
A Discussion with Colombian Foreign Minister María Angela Holguín
Brazil's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Antonio de Aguiar Patriota
Restoring Mexico's International Reputation
Book Launch: "Mañana Forever?: Mexico and the Mexicans"
Mexican American Leadership Initiative: Co-Sponsored with the U.S.-Mexico Foundation
A Conversation with H.E. Ricardo Martinelli, President of Panama
U.S.-Mexico Security Cooperation Pillar IV: Building Strong and Resilient Border Communities Science and Technology 50 Years of Science in Brazil and Challenges Ahead
Sustainability for Global Biofuels: Tools, Models, Policies, and Frameworks Trade and Economics Book Launch: The North American Idea
Cuba's New Emerging Market Strategy: Has the United States Made Itself Irrelevant?
Taxation and Equality in Latin America Woodrow Wilson Awards Dinners Brazil Institute honors President Dilma Vana Rousseff
Mexico Institute honors Alfredo Achar and Miguel Mancera in Mexico City In the Media Please click here for a list of media outlets in which staff members have been featured recently. New Publications Books Andrew Selee, Decentralization, Democratization, and Informal Power in Mexico, University Park: Penn State University Press, 2011. Reports Cynthia J. Arnson and Eric L. Olson, eds., Organized Crime in Central America: The Northern Triangle, Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas No. 29, November 2011.

José Raúl Perales, ed., The Cuban Economy: Recent Trends Woodrow Wilson Center Reports on the Americas No. 28, July 2011.

Christopher E. Wilson, Working Together: Economic Ties between the United States and Mexico,November 2011. Forthcoming Publications Tani Marilena Adams, “Chronic Violence and its Reproduction: Perverse Trends in Social Relations, Citizenship and Democracy in Latin America,” January 2012.

Cynthia J. Arnson, ed., In the Wake of War: Democratization and Internal Armed Conflict in Latin America (Washington, D.C. and Palo Alto, CA: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Stanford University Press, 2012).

Cynthia J. Arnson and Marcelo Bergman, "Taxation and Equality in Latin America," January 2012.

Bruce Bagley, "Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime in the Americas: Major Trends in the Twenty-First Century," February 2012.

Carlos Basombrío Iglesias, ¿Qué Hemos Hecho?: Reflexiones sobre respuestas y políticas públicas frente al incremento de la violencia delincuencial en América Latina,” January 2012. Also available in English.

Juan Carlos Garzón Vergara, “La rebellion de las redes: El crimen organizado en América Latina y las fuerzas que lo modifican,” January 2012. Also available in English.

Paulo Sotero, A Reflection on the May 2010 Brazil-Turkey Nuclear Initiative Toward Iran, January 2012

Report on Activities 2009-11, Latin American Program, January 2012.

Report on Brazil-US Judicial Dialogue held in May 2011 at the Law Library of Congress

Report on Congressional Study Mission on Innovation held in April 2011 at the Wilson Center, State Department, and MIT Staff Notes We bid a fond farewell to Program Associate Robert Donnelly, who, after more than two years with the Mexico Institute, has transitioned to the Wilson Center’s Office of Outreach and Communications as a Writer/Editor. We also thank Program Assistant Nikki Nichols. Nikki was with the Latin American Program for two and a half years. She is pursuing a Master of Science in Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University. We wish both Robert and Nikki all the best in their new endeavors.
We welcome new Mexico Institute Program Associate Christopher Wilson. Christopher has worked as a consultant and was a graduate intern with the Mexico Institute. He completed his M.A. in International Affairs at American University, focusing on U.S. foreign policy and U.S.-Mexico relations.
We also welcome Verónica Colon-Rosario, the new Latin American Program Assistant. Verónica worked with Telefonica Internacional USA before coming to the Wilson Center and graduated with a Masters in Latin American Studies from the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University.
Fellows and Public Policy Scholars We are delighted to have welcomed the 2011-2012 Fellows and Public Policy Scholars:
James Brennan, University of California, Riverside, “Days of Destruction: Political Violence and its Legacies in Argentina’s ‘Dirty War’”
Roberto Briceño-León, Laboratory for Social Sciences, Research School of Social Sciences, Venezuela, “Citizen Insecurity: Poverty or Institutionality? The Deterioration of Venezuela in the Light of the Improvement in Colombia and Brazil”
Homero Campa Butronwas a summer Public Policy Scholar for 2011 in cooperation with Comexi. He is the International Coordinator for Proceso Magazine. His research was entitled "Three Moments in a Triangular Relation", which aimed to investigate the intermediary role Mexico has with the U.S. – Cuba relations.
Lazaro Cardenas Batel, is a Senior Scholar. He is the former Governor of Michoacán, Mexico. The project he is working on is "Strengthening Hometown Associations: Mexican Immigrants as Agents for Political Change in Mexico and the United States"
Jacqueline Hagan,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, “Skills on the Move: Re-Examining the Relationship between Human Capital and Social Mobility in Reference to Migration between Mexico and the United States”
Edward (Edy) Kaufman, Center for International Development and Conflict Management, University of Maryland, “The Role of Diasporas in Protracted Conflicts: Arabs and Jews in Latin America and the Israel/Palestinian Issue”
Luis Pásara,Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, “Justice and Justice Reform in Latin America” Don Eugenio Garza Lagüera Scholars –Instituto Technológico de Monterrey Cecilia López Garza- PhD. Candidate
Juan Carlos Montero Bagatella- PhD. Candidate
Gerhard Niedrist- Professor of International Law
José Fabián Ruiz Valerio – Graduate professor of political analysis and information media WWICS-Washington Post Journalism Fellows During the fourth year of Woodrow Wilson Center-Washington Post Journalism Fellowship, four 2011 grantees were chosen from a competitive applicant pool of 32 representing 13 different countries.

Mark Beckford from The Gleaner Jamaica investigated Jamaican homosexuals who have sought asylum and are now living in the United States.

Julie López from Guatemala's Plaza Pública examined the Lorenzanas’ drug and arms trafficking networks between the U.S. and Guatemala to discover other locations for arms and drugs smuggling in the U.S.

José Monsalve, a reporter for Semana in Colombia, researched the actors in the trade union diplomacy in Colombia and how it influences U.S. – Colombia relationships.

Carolina Rossetti de Toledo is a journalist with the Brazilian newspaper, O Estado do S. Paulo and investigated human trafficking between Brazil and the U.S. to look for ways to combat this issue. Interns The Latin American Program has been fortunate to have had the assistance of several talented interns. We thank the following interns for their energy, hard work, and willingness to share their skills with us in Summer and Fall 2011:
  • Alexander Ascencio, Georgetown University
  • Sarah Beckhart, Franklin and Marshall College
  • Dana Deaton, The George Washington University
  • Adam Drolet, The George Washington University
  • Allison Gilchrist, Syracuse University
  • Lisa Hartland, The George Washington University
  • Alison Lucas, Georgetown University
  • Jillian Macnaughton, The Johns Hopkins University
  • Mark Pigott, The American University
  • Elizabeth Sampson, The George Washington University
Upcoming Events Book Launch: Dependent America? By Stephen Clarkson - January 10, 2012

Why Brazilians like Dilma despite the bad news? - January 11, 2012

A Conversation with Minister of the Environment Izabella Teixeira - January 12, 2012

Mexico Today: A Seminar on Mexico (with CIDAC) - January 13, 2012

El Salvador: Twenty Years After the Peace Accords - January 24, 2012

Citizen Security and Justice in Latin America - February 23, 2012
*Event to be held in Lima, Peru and is cosponsored with the Instituto de Defensa Legal and Ciudad Nuestra*

The Latin American Program and its institutes on Mexico and Brazil serve as a bridge between the United States and Latin America, providing a nonpartisan forum for experts from throughout the region and the world to discuss the most critical issues facing the Hemisphere. The Program sponsors research, conferences, and publications aimed at deepening the understanding of Latin American and Caribbean politics, history, economics, culture, and U.S.-Latin American relations. By bringing pressing regional concerns to the attention of opinion leaders and policymakers, the Program contributes to more informed policy choices in Washington, D.C., and throughout the Hemisphere.

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