Syria Masterclass
The Wilson Center Congressional Foreign Policy Masterclass Series provides senior staffers the opportunity to go in-depth with our regional experts on a pressing foreign policy issue. This comprehensive course provides a non-partisan environment for senior staffers to meet and network with fellow colleagues from across the aisle.
Who Should Apply
The Wilson Center invites senior-level congressional staff to participate in the Congressional Foreign Policy Masterclass (Chiefs of Staff, Deputy Chiefs of Staff, Legislative Directors, Senior Legislative Assistants, and Professional Committee Staff). If you have questions about this requirement, please feel free to contact us. Applicants should possess a strong understanding of the legislative process and have experience working with a foreign policy portfolio.
The Syria Masterclass will feature the world's leading foreign policy experts on the MENA region and will provide an in-depth analysis of the conflict and political dynamics in Syria.
Topics Covered:
- Political Developments in Syria
- The Kurds and the Role of Turkey in Syria
- Voices from Syria
- US Foreign Policy in Syria
- Merissa Khurma - Director of the Wilson Center Middle East Program
- Ambassador James F. Jeffrey - Chair of the Wilson Center Middle East Program, Slater Family Distinguished Fellow, Former ambassador to Iraq and Turkey, Secretary’s Former Special Representative for Syria Engagement, and Former Special Envoy to the Global Coalition To Defeat ISIS
- Ambassador David Hale - Global Fellow of the Wilson Center Middle East Program, Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, and Former Ambassador to Pakistan, Lebanon, and Jordan
- Henri J. Barkey - Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and Former Director of the Wilson Center Middle East Program
- Robert Jenkins - Wilson Center Public Policy Fellow and Former Assistant to the Administrator, USAID
- Steven Heydemann - Wilson International Competition Fellow of the Wilson Center Middle East Program
- Oula Alrifai - Assistant Vice President of Field and Constituencies at the National Immigration Forum