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Call for Applications: Short-Term Research Grant Program for Romanian Scholars

The Romanian Cultural Institute and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars are pleased to announce the Short-Term Research Grant Program for the year 2009. Successful applicants will have the opportunity of spending four months in residence at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, in Washington D.C., where they will carry out advanced research and writing at one of the most prestigious nonpartisan institutes for advanced study in the United States. The Center also serves as a neutral forum for open, serious, and informed dialogue.


The competition is open to Romanian citizens residing in Romania. Applications will be accepted from among individuals in the academia. The fields of study targeted are: history, political science, international relations, public policy, government, and law. Candidates must be currently pursuing research in key issues related to Romania's present and recent past.

Applicants should hold the terminal degree in their field (Ph.D. or J.D.) or be in the final stages of their degree (dissertation phase for those without a Ph.D.). Preference will be given to applicants who have published scholarly books or substantial articles in academic journals.

Scholars must be able to hold a valid passport and a J-1 visa. Applicants must be fluent in both written and spoken English. Applications should be submitted in English.

Benefits/Responsibilities of Romanian Scholars

This is a residential scholarship. The Romanian Cultural Institute will provide grant of 10.200 Euro, which will cover lodging, the research expenses & monthly allowance, a round trip plane ticket, and funds to defer the cost of health insurance during their stay in Washington, D.C. United States regulations require that scholars hold health insurance that cover medical and repatriation costs. The Wilson Center can suggest a company that will be able to fulfill the coverage requirement under U.S. regulations, but it is the scholars' responsibility to secure such insurance. The Wilson Center will offer a library carrel space available 24 hours a day. In addition, scholars will have use of Windows-based personal computer. The Wilson Center Library provides access to digital resources, its book and journal collections, and to the Library of Congress, university and special libraries in the Washington metropolitan area, and other research facilities.

While at the Wilson Center, the scholars will be expected to carry out a full schedule of rigorous research and writing based on the topic outlined in the research proposal submitted at the time of application. They will also be able to participate in workshops, seminars, and conferences organized by the Wilson Center, and in other ways to participate in the intellectual life of the Wilson Center and the larger community of scholars in Washington.

Although scholars are responsible for locating their own housing in the Washington D.C. area, the Center provides written material to help facilitate the search process.

Selection Criteria

a) significance of the proposed research, including the importance and originality of the project
b) capabilities and academic achievements of the applicant
c) relevance of the project to contemporary issues pertaining to Romania and Euro-Atlantic relations

A panel of experts selected by the Romanian Cultural Institute will review all the applications and make recommendations for appointment to the Wilson Center. The representatives of the Wilson Center in collaboration with other experts, as agreed upon by the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Wilson Center, will make the final selection.

Fellowship will be granted in 2009 for the following periods: January-April; May-August; September-December. Candidates should indicate in their applications their preferred time-frames. Please note, however, that upon final selection, the jury may assign a different period than that indicated by the successful candidate, in accordance with the research agenda of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Please note that there will be only one call for applications per year. The final decision will be made for all three candidates for the current year.

Procedures and Deadline for Applications

Required materials include:

a) a brief description of their proposed research project emphasizing its relevance in relation to contemporary issues. The project proposal should not be longer than five pages double-spaced. Project descriptions should include:

- a reasonably detailed explanation of the research topic
- a discussion of the project's originality
- discussion of the methods, approaches, sources, and materials to be used, and, where appropriate, the importance of the Washington-area resources; and
- discussion of the significance of the project as well as its relevance

b) a professional resume (including the participant's available contact information)

c) two letters of recommendation

d) copy of official proof for enrollment in a PhD program or of PhD studies completion.

Obs. All the documents should be included in an envelope that should be either mailed at the address specified below or delivered in person at the reception desk of the Romanian Cultural Institute. The applicant should specify the name of the grant program on the envelope.

Deadlines for 2009:

20th of October 2008 = deadline for submitting applications to the Romanian Cultural Institute

1st of November 2008 = preliminary selection phase at the Romanian Cultural Institute

25th November 2008 = final selection by the representatives of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and other experts as the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Wilson Center deem appropriate.

For Further Information:

Domestic Programs Department
Cultural Institute
38 Aleea Alexandru,
Sector 1, Bucharest
Ruxandra Sighinas
tel.: 40 (0)3.1710.0675

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