CWIHP Director Christian F. Ostermann participates in Conference on "Italy and the Vietnam War"

CWIHP Director Christian F. Ostermann participated in the conference "Italy and the Vietnam War," held in Rome on 23-24 February 2006. The meeting was co-sponsored by the Fondazione Instituto Gramsci and the Universita Roma III in cooperation with the Machiavelli Center for Cold War Studies (CIMA). The conference was held at the Sala del Consiglio del Rettorato of Roma Tre University and at the Istituto Diplomatico of Ministero degli Affari Esteri.

Ostermann joined the opening panel on "La Guerra del Vietnam Come Problema Storiografico," chaired by Massimiliano Guderzo, University of Florence. Other panelists included Frederic Logevall, Cornell University ("La Storiografia sulla Guerra del Vietnam"), Leopoldo Nuti, Roma Tre ("La Guerra del Vietnam e le Relazioni Transatlantiche"), and Vladislav Zubok, Temple University ("Il Mondo Comunista e la Guerra"), and discussant Mario Del Pero.

For the conference schedule, click here or check the "Cold War News" link on this website.
For further information contact CIMA (link available under "Links"— CWIHP Partners on this website).

Cold War International History Project

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Cold War International History Project